There are a near-infinite number of ways to build up a WordPress site. The process can all typically be broken into 3 categories in most cases. Delivery, Processing, and Storage. Delivery The first (or last) step in processing a request for a WordPress is to look at how it is delivered. This covers anything that …
Author Archives: Alice
Duplicate EA4 php version
Simply update OLD_VERSION and NEW_VERSION then run (this example duplicates PHP 7.0 and its modules to PHP 7.1) OLD_VERSION=70;NEW_VERSION=71;yum install $(rpm -qa –qf ‘%{NAME} ‘ ea-php${OLD_VERSION}*| sed “s/${OLD_VERSION}/${NEW_VERSION}/g”)
PHP FPM Tweaks
File location /var/cpanel/userdata/$user/$domain.php-fpm.yaml Suggested values request_slowlog_timeout: { name: ‘request_slowlog_timeout’, value: 60 } slowlog: { name: ‘slowlog’, value: “[% homedir %]/logs/[% scrubbed_domain %].php.slow.log” } request_terminate_timeout: { name: “request_terminate_timeout”, value: 120 } What these values do request_slowlog_timeout: Controls the time in seconds before a stack trace of the process is generated. This can be used to investigate …